Prevent Burnout as a Leader with These 5 Tips

If you’ve ever felt burned out at work, you understand what it can be like: getting angry at somebody when you would typically be patient, reacting disproportionately to bad news, or feeling disinterested in work duties you usually enjoy.
When leaders are disengaged, they normally feel exhausted and seem emotionally unstable. This can lead to a dysfunctional team dynamic, confusion, and toxic office politics. If unaddressed, a leader’s best staff members will sense things are not going well and look to leave.
Fortunately, you can take steps to address burnout. Below are five ways to get over burnout in a leadership position.
1) Take a Break
The most immediate way to address burnout is to disconnect physically, mentally, and emotionally. With remote work technologies, you are available 24/7 and vulnerable to a constant onslaught of stressors, and this can completely prevent you from essential recharging of your batteries.
If it isn’t possible to take a long weekend, a full week, or multiple weeks off, set aside times to switch off from responding to calls and emails. For example, you could stick to checking messages just before dinner or on a Sunday afternoon.
2) Find Inspiration
As children, we learn through play, and we adults shouldn’t forget the on-going importance of play in our lives. Determine what interests and hobbies feed your soul. Maybe you like to read great novels, go for long runs or play music. If there’s a passion or interest you lost touch with, a period of burnout is the perfect time to reconnect.
Reconnecting with a hobby or passion may require an investment, so go ahead and buy that new pair of running shoes or that book of sheet music.
3) Tap into Your Personal Network
When burning out, you tend to withdraw from others, avoid socializing and steer clear of social events. This is completely normal, and unfortunately, COVID-19 has only made it easier to keep to yourself.
Friends and family can be effective allies in the battle against burnout. If you’re feeling disengaged at work right now, set up safe, social, or virtual gatherings with people who are important to you. Reconnect with old colleagues and college friends. Regardless of how you do it, it is important to cultivate and reap positive social support from your personal network.
4) Extract Value from Your Work
Hopefully, there are one or more things you like about your job, or something that contributes to your long-term goals. Maybe you value the chance to interact with customers or gain experience in an effort to open your own business. It can be helpful to focus on the valuable parts of your job and minimize the least valuable bits.
5) Engage with Your Employees
You and your employees have a lot in common, and it can be easy to forget they may be feeling stressed or disengaged as well. While you don’t have to do a full-on group therapy session with your team, it can help to hit the pause button and connect with your staff on a deeper level.
We Can Help You Address Leadership Burnout
Sometimes, leadership burnout can be addressed by addressing HR or talent acquisition issues. Please contact NSC today to find out how we can help you manage the various leadership challenges you are currently facing.

NSC Staffing
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